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时间:2016-05-06 来源:无忧自考网 责任编辑:txj

课程名称:国际市场营销学 (英语)                               课程代码:3273
第一部分    课程性质与自考本科设置目的
一、 课程性质与特点
国际市场营销学是为高等教育自学考试商务英语(本科)以及相关专业学生所开设的专业课程之一。 国际市场营销学是一门理论联系实际且应用性较强的课程。本课程采用英语教材,通过多媒体手段进行教学,辅助以案例教学(Power Point, Video cases, etc)。学好国际市场营销学要求学生有足够的经贸基础知识准备和较高的专业英语水平。
二、 课程设置的目的和要求
三、 与本科其他专业课程的关系
第二部分    课程内容与考核目标
Chapter 1  Scope of international marketing strategy
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Strategic approaches to international markets (一般)
2. International marketing strategy (重点)
识记:Definition of international marketing
理解:Generic international marketing strategies
3. Standardization or customization (次重点)
识记:Definition of standardization and customization
理解:Implications of standardizing strategy
       Strategic differentiation in the international firm
4. International marketing environment (次重点)
 识记:International marketing environment
    General objectives and targets a company may set
 理解:Reasons for international market fragmentation
5. Understanding international marketing : a frame work (一般)

Chapter 2  International marketing in the global economy
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Theory and practice of international marketing (一般)
2. Managerial theory of international marketing (重点)
识记:Major participant groups in international marketing system
理解:Orientation of the company in the business system
    A framework for international marketing
3. Trade and transaction costs(次重点)
理解:Absolute advantage and the international firm
Comparative advantage and the international firm
4. Nature of the international firm (一般)

Chapter 3  Company resources and capabilities
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Characteristics of the international firm(重点)
识记:Access to resources
理解:Size of the firm in international markets
     Location of the firm
     Technology and innovation
     Product range in the firm
2. Management of the international firm(次重点)
理解:Key factors for successful management of the international firms
3. Company resources in the business system(一般)
理解:Managing costs and prices in international markets
     Product-market and business system resource allocation
     Resource allocation in international markets

Chapter 4  Analysis of international competitors
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Meaning of international competition(重点)
理解:Competitor orientation in international markets
应用:Establishing competitive positions in international markets
理解:Determinants of competitiveness in international markets
    Measuring competitiveness in the firm
2. Understanding competitors in international markets(次重点)
 理解:Competitor objectives, future goals and assumptions
    Review of competitor strategies
    Competitor organization and corporate culture
    Evaluating competitive strengths
 识记;Motives associated with unique capabilities

Chapter  5 Culture, values and technology
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Influence of culture in international marketing  (次重点)
识记:Definition of culture
2. Cultural determinants of marketing behavior in the international firm (重点)
识记:The cultural environment
理解:Behavioral attributes
    Role of human values and attitudes
    Demographic factors
应用:Characteristics of culture
理解:Special position of languages
    Material culture and the international firm
3. Analysis of culture influence (一般)
 理解:Influences within cultures
    Context of cross-cultural relationships
    Influences among cultures
    Influence of culture on consumer behavior

Chapter 6  Political economy and created advantage
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Impact of market integration(次重点)
理解:Influence on the international firm
    Concept of free trade
    Developments in industrial markets
    Position of developing countries
2. Challenge of open markets  (一般)
 理解:Two major factors in the international marketing environment
    Created assets in international markets
3. Comparative advantage and competitive advantage (重点)
    Distinction between comparative advantage and competitive advantage
 理解:Country and company competitiveness
    Labor productivity and wealth
4. Phenomenon of emerging markets (一般)
5. Industrial and commercial policy  (次重点)
理解:Creating competitive advantage in integrated markets
    Invisible hand or direct intervention
    Dynamic comparative advantage

Chapter 7  Public policy risk and regulation
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Public policy environment of international marketing  (重点)
识记:Role of government
 理解:Risk and uncertainty in international markets
 应用:Common political risks
 理解:Analysis of political environment
2. Regulating international transfers (次重点)
 理解:Regulating transfers of products and services
    Regulating money transfers
    Regulating people transfers
    Regulating technology transfers
    Importance of exchange rate stability
 识记:Functions of the World Trade Organization
3. International legal framework (一般)
 理解:Product quality standards
    Major world legal systems
    Legal aspects of marketing claims

Chapter 13 Market entry – exporting
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
二、 考核知识点与考核目标 
1. Nature of exporting (重点)
识记:Reasons for export
       Exporting and commitment to internationalization
2. Determinants of export behavior(一般)
理解:Experience and uncertainty effects
    Acquiring knowledge of export markets
3. Export decision process(一般)
理解:Behavioral and firm-specific influences
4. Model of the export decision process(次重点)
应用:Factors influence export commitment
理解:Size of firm and exporting activity
    Export marketing groups
6. Cost and competitiveness of exporting (一般)
理解:Cost factors of exporting

Chapter 14 Market entry – strategic alliances
一、学习目的和要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Nature of strategic alliances (次重点)
理解:Nature of strategic alliances
    Basis for a strategic alliance
2. Marketing partnership agreements(一般)
3. Licensing to enter international markets (重点)
理解:Benefits of licensing
    Impact of licensing on cash flow
    Prerequisites of successful licensing
4. Franchising to enter international markets (重点)
理解:Nature of franchising
      Attraction of franchising as mode of entry
5. Joint ventures to enter international markets (重点)
识记:Definition of joint venture
Benefits of international joint ventures
理解:Access to resources and markets
    Joint venture and host country policies
    Stability of international joint ventures
    Conditions for joint venture success
6. Selecting a partner for a strategic alliance (一般)
理解:Assessing potential partners in an international joint venture
7. Evaluation of strategic alliances (一般)

Chapter 15 Market entry – acquisition and direct investment
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Obtaining locational advantage (一般)
2. Acquisition (重点)
识记:Advantages and disadvantages of acquisition
理解:Nature of foreign acquisitions
    Public policy and cross-border acquisition
3. Foreign direct investment (重点)
识记:Definition of foreign direct investment
    Determinants of foreign direct investment location
理解:Three sets of criteria in making a location decision
4. Motives for foreign direct investment (次重点)
识记:Reasons for foreign direct investment
理解:Managerial motives for foreign direct investment
    Operating efficiency and risk reduction
    Market development and government policy
5. Evaluation of new foreign ventures and acquisitions (一般)
 应用:Comparison of acquisitions and new ventures
 理解:Management view of foreign direct investment

Chapter 16 Market entry – a strategic approach
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Dynamics of international market entry(一般)
2. International market entry – concept and modes (次重点)
 理解:Appropriate market entry mode
    Choosing the entry mode
3. Framework for international market entry (重点)
 识记:Market concentration and market diversification
 理解:Market entry strategy and competition
    Linking market strategy, complexity and entry
4. Selecting mode of international market entry(一般)
 理解:Entering new international product-market
    Choosing an entry mode for services
5. Sequencing international market entry(一般)

Chapter 17 Channels of international distribution
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. Nature of international channels of distribution (重点)
 识记:Differences between domestic and international channels of distribution
 理解:Role of channel intermediaries
    Integrated channels for international distribution
    Constraints on channel design
2. Structure and function of channels of distribution (次重点)
 理解:The most popular type of intermediary
    Functions of the international channel
    Selecting an international intermediary
    Trade-offs and conflict in the distributional channel
3. Cost effectiveness and control in international distribution channels (次重点)
 识记:Cost effectiveness in international channels of distribution
 理解:Cross-border cooperation, conflict and trust
    Improving channel performance
4. Power in international channels of distribution(一般)
 理解:Channel leadership and sources of power
    Market interactivity and shifts in channel power
    Intermediaries and the internet
    Direct cross-border shipments

Chapter 18 Pricing in international markets
一、学习目的与要求 (Learning Objectives and Requirements)
1. General influences on international pricing(重点)
理解:Technology and competition
       Government policies on pricing
       Transfer pricing in international markets
2. Impact of exchange rates (次重点)
理解:Fluctuating exchange rates and price volatility
    Coping with exchange rate movements
 应用:Standardized international prices
3. Framework for pricing in international markets(一般)
理解:Cost approaches to international pricing
4. Pricing and distribution channels(一般)
理解:Price escalation in international channels
Market-based pricing in international markets
   Life cycle effects on international pricing
   Pricing for exporting competitiveness
第三部分  有关说明与实施要求
一、 考核能力层次表述

二、 教材
International Marketing Strategy  Fifth Edition 《国际营销战略》
作者:Frank Bradley (爱尔兰)  外语教学与研究出版社  2005年版
1. International Marketing – Strategy Planning, Market Entry and Implementation高等教育出版社  作者:Roger Bennet and Jim Blythe 
2. International Marketing  《国际营销》  上海外语教育出版社 作者:Jeffrey Edmund Curry.
3. International Marketing  McGraw-Hill Higher Education 出版  作者:Philip R. Cateora; John L. Graham
4. International Marketing Strategy – Analysis, Development and Implementation  《国际营销战略教程》东北财经大学出版社  作者:Isobel Doole, Robin Lowe, Chris Phillips


章 次  课 程 内 容  学 时
1 Scope of international marketing strategy 5
2 International marketing in the global economy 4
3 Company resources and capabilities 5
4 Analysis of international competitors 5
5 Culture values and technology 5
6 Political economy and created advantage 6
7 Public policy risk and regulation 6
13 Market entry – exporting 6
14 Market entry – strategic alliances 6
15 Market entry – acquisition and direct investment 6
16 Market entry – a strategic approach 6
17 Channels of marketing distribution 6
18 Pricing in international markets 6
合     计 72

2、试卷中对不同能力层次的试题比例大致是:"识记"为40%、"理解"40%、 "应用"为20%。

六、题型示例 (样题)
I. Multiple Choice Questions
1. To successfully compete globally, companies should emphasize:
 a. linkage of marketing activities with other activities of the firm
 b. global configuration of marketing activities
 c. global coordination
 d. all of the above
2. Assume two companies, A and B are claiming rights to a trademark. Company A registered but never used the trademark. B has been using it all along in various commercial ways without caring to register it. Under the common law, whom does the trademark belong to?
 a. Company A
 b. Company B
 c. neither
 d. both
3. The highest risk form of entry into foreign markets is by:
 a. exporting
 b. contractual agreement
 c. joint venture
d. establishing manufacturing operations abroad
4. Widespread interest in joint venture is NOT related to which of the following factors:
 a. preempting raw materials
 b. sharing risk
 c. decrease privatization worldwide
 d. selling technology
5. The most common foreign market entry method is exporting. The next most common form of entry once a firm moves beyond the exporting stage to a more regular overseas involvement is:
a. joint venture
b. licensing
c. foreign manufacturing
d. privatization
II. Fill in Blanks with Proper Words.
1. Even if a country is able to produce all its goods at lower costs than another country can, trade still benefits both countries, based on __________ costs.
2. A new product seldom becomes a __________ overnight. The product must through the ____stages like market introduction, market growth, market maturity, and sale decline. During these stages, promotion blends may have to change to _______different promotion objectives. During the market introduction, the basic promotion objective is _______.
III. Decide Whether the Following Statements is True or False. Give “T” for True and “F” for False Statement.
( ) 1. promotion includes advertising, merchandising, public relations, and the control and deployment of sales staff. 
( ) 2. Lack of national resources (e.g. oil, labor, minerals, etc)  can spur a country to a high level of innovation.
( ) 3. Benefits of decentralization relates to the motivation afforded to local managers who are encouraged to use individual initiative involving local problems.
( ) 4. Quotas may specify an absolute limit, or impose lower rates of tariff once a certain volume of imports of the goods has been exceeded.
( ) 5. A marketing information system is a set of activities that are carried out on random basis. 
IV. Define the following terms in English.
1. International Market Segmentation
2. Marketing Mix
V. Answer the Following Questions Briefly.
1. List the differences between the arrangements of a free trade area and a customs union.
2. Why is it desirable for a country to maintain a stable foreign exchange rate for its currency?
VI. Essay Questions
1.  Many marketers now believe that teenagers in many countries are becoming “global consumers.” That is, they all want to buy the same goods and services. Do you think this is true? If so, What has cause the phenomennon?
2.  Discuss the following: “Philosophical imposition of political boundaries as the starting point in the matter of segmenting the world market is superfluous and dysfunctional. Why should we segment countries? We should rather segment the customers of the world. After all, it may be hypothesized that high-income people, whether living in the U.S., France, Brazil, India, Nigeria, Egypt, Sweden, or Mexico, provide a similar potential for a product. If this is true, then it is the customer segmentation on a worldwide basis that should be sought and not country classification. Like income, education, geography, political views, age, and a host of other demographic and socioeconomic criteria may be used to segment the world market.”



上一篇:2012年天津自考“商务英语翻译”复习大纲 下一篇:2012年天津自考“国际商务”复习大纲


